August 14, 2008

Let Us Be!

My boys are all just that “Boys“. I have had my fair portion of joy and struggles. Joshua, my eleven year old is very busy. He is very intrigued with building things. He has built such things as a tattoo kit, home made fishing poles, darts, guns, sling shots, airplanes, and bows... I have to keep a very close eye on him. Ronnie is more laid-back, but is prone to following in his older brother's footsteps. Then there is Sammy my three year old. He is a copy cat. Yeah, he watches his brothers incredibly careful and memorizes their every step. Sam likes to put into practice what he has learned at daycare. It takes every breath of energy I have to keep my boys satisfied, contented, and under control. To do these I include structure every chance I get. Understanding that I am a single mom to four. Reality is that I can't always succeed in this. This is where the neighborhood kids come into place.

The boys wanted to go across the street and build a tree house. This seemed as if this was a decent way to keep them industrious. I can see the tree house from my sidewalk. So they would go off. Until I discovered that they were partaking in certain activities up there that they know I don't approve of. So they were not permitted to take off anymore. Then there was the house next door. They liked to go over and hang out in the yard. I didn't consent to them going inside, but they originated away to smoke a cigar. So that was the end of there unsupervised play.

I then tolerated the local kids coming over and playing at my home. I suppose the kids these days are not at all respectful of an adult when they say to stop something or to go home. I couldn't get clear of them. They would all want to swim and they knew but to follow the rules such as no roughhousing. Well, our above ground pool was almost history after they finished with it. We won’t start with my front yard lawn!